Step 9: Prizes

You can define the prizes for your hackathon by navigating to the Edit hackathon tab and then Prizes. To set up additional prizes, simply click Add Prize

Depending on what type of prizes you are offering, you have several options to select from the drop-down menu:

  • Cash only: the prize is 100% cash
  • Cash and Other: the prize is a mix of cash and something else (i.e. credits, swag, social promotions, etc)
  • Cryptocurrency only: the prize is 100% crypto
  • Cryptocurrency and Other: the prize is a mix of crypto and something else (i.e. credits, swag, social promotions, etc)
  • Other: all non-cash prizes

You’ll want to be as accurate as possible when entering your prizes so as not to mislead participants about the total prize value. If you have a mix of cash or crypto and other prizes, only enter the dollar value of the cash/crypto. Enter all details about the non-cash/crypto prizes (including their cash value if relevant) into the Prize breakdown field. 

Important: The “Cash value” field should only be used to notate the amount of actual cash, or in the case of crypto, the current estimated value of the cryptocurrency you are offering. DO NOT enter the value of any other prize items in this field.

If you are including opt-in awards or sponsor prizes, you can select the opt-in prize check box before clicking Save Prize. The prize will be automatically added to your hackathon's submission form and the submission gallery filters.

After the submission gallery has been turned on, you will see all the opt-in prizes listed on the the gallery as filter options and this information will be available in the data export:


Changing currency symbol for prizes

You can change the currency symbol for your prize value by selecting the symbol you would like to display then click save. If you need a currency symbol that's not listed, contact us for assistance.


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