Every hackathon site on Devpost includes its own discussion forum. The discussion forum is a great place for participants to ask questions to the hackathon manager or post their concerns. Everytime a new message is posted to a discussion forum, the Hackathon managers will receive an email and be prompted to join the discussion.
Once your hackathon is live, there is a possibility that someone will post an inappropriate comment on your discussion forum. Any Devpost user can flag a comment and, as a manager, it’s your job to review and moderate these flagged comments.
To check if you have any flagged comments, visit the Discussions tab in the hackathon management area:
When a comment or topic has been flagged, it will be listed on that page along with the reason it was flagged:
Click the Investigate link to visit the source of the comment. From there, you can Delete the comment or Remove flag if the comment was flagged incorrectly.
Note: when a user flags a comment, an alert email is sent to the Devpost support team. The comment will remain visible to the public until a manager or a member of the Devpost support team deletes it.